The Lava Monsters are creatures from the Disney Junior animated series, Jake and the Never Land Pirates. They are the underlings of Chief Molta. Their vocal effect are provided by Fred Tatasciore.
Role in series[]
The Lava Monsters first appeared in the episode "March Of The Lava Monsters". Captain Hook and his crew search through fiery depths of Belch Mountain for the Fiery Eye of Molta, which Hook the power he longed for to take over Never Land.Bones stumbles upon the treasure chest containing the medallion, much to the delight of Hook but at the greedy captain reach for medallion he drops it into the fiery depths of the Belch Mountain lava do to the heat coming from it and awakens a Lava Monster called Chief Molta. Hook tries to order Molta around but when Chief Molta summons two more lava monsters, Hook originally thought Molta was making an army for him but Molta bellowed that he created the other monsters so he can transform Never Land into his own personal fiery domain, referred to as Lava Land. The Lava Monster later turns on Hook and his crew as they made there way out of the volcano and out into Never Land.Jake and his crew soon become aware of Molta and his minions and soon attempt to stop them but the lava creatures proved to be too formidable at the young pirates first attempts to stop them, it wasn't until witnessing the Lava Monsters reaction to water as Hook and his crew try to reclaim the medallion. That Jake and his crew use water cannons and bucket luring the monsters out of the jungle and to the beach towards the Never Sea.Molta soon stops his minions from falling into the sea and fuses with them into a larger more powerful "Mega Molten Monster". It wasn't until Jake and his crew return to Bucky and using the power of his super scooper to retrieve a large amount of water to put the giant lava monster out for good, cooling it body down enough it turns into stone and crumbles away into a lifeless pile of rubble.