All items (260)
- Skullenbones Rock
- SkyBird Island
- Slippery Serpent Forest
- Slippery Snake River
- Slippy Slide Falls
- Snail-Slime Trail
- Spiky-Pike Peak
- Spinning Vine Forest
- Spooky Swamp
- Stayaway Isle
- Stepping Stone River
- Stinkpot Swamp
- Stonewolf Valley
- Stony Pass
- Sunflower Stream
- Sunken Ship Gorge
- Sunken Treasure Bay
- Swirling Whirling-pool
- Sword Stone
- Tanglethorn Marsh
- Tar Pit
- Tentacle Bay
- The Bumble Bungalow
- The Golden Pyramid
- The Pirate Mummy's Tomb
- The Pirate Pumpkin Patch
- The Sea Witch's Lair
- Thousand Palm Forest
- Three Bear's House
- Thumbs Up Rock
- Thunder Tunnel
- Tiara Tunnel
- Tiki Forest
- Tiptoe Pass
- Toppling Rock Canyon
- Topsy Turvy Plain
- Tortuga Triangle
- Treasurefalls
- Trident Rock
- Turnabout Tunnel
- Turtle Bay
- Twisty Tree